Welcome to Zonkeriah's Workshop

Dedicated to empowering the mind, exploring the world, and discovering the endless wonders that are hidden in plain sight. (Most people have no idea what they are missing!)

Learning can sometimes seem like a chore, no matter what age you are. Yet there are many things we love to learn, such as riding a bike or driving a car. Mastering the newest computer game, getting your golf handicap into single digits, or visiting an historical location are other examples of enjoyable learning. In these cases, however, the learner - you - is curious and eager. It isn't a chore. Zonkeriah's Workshop is designed to be just the same. This isn't a full and complete library of anything. It is a place to get curious and mess around with things that might seem like a drag when someone else is dragging you through it. [NOTE: Temporary Copy - CHANGE THIS]